Frequently Asked Questions
What is hypnosis and how does it work?
Hypnosis is not to be confused with stage hypnosis, which can be funny but is not an accurate depiction. Hypnosis works through a hypnotist who uses one of many different techniques to put you into a hypnotic trance, which can be described as a relaxed state of focused attention, or hyper awareness. Whilst you are in this hypno-trance state, the hypnotist can use hypnotic suggestibility to access thoughts and memories within your subconscious mind.
There are three primary reasons hypnosis is so effective:
First, hypnosis teaches you skills to become aware of your body’s physical response to stimuli, so you can handle it. In a way, it is similar to biofeedback.
Second, hypnosis is a pathway to learning. Our subconscious mind has probably learned many negative behaviors over the years that can be re-learned during hypnosis. For example, after 20 years of smoking you have essentially trained yourself to light up after each meal. Or, when eating dinner out, you have been trained to eat all of your food, even though the portions are double the dietary guidelines. These destructive learning patterns can be relearned (healthy retraining of the subconscious) in the process of hypnosis.
Third, our hypnosis programs create accountability and help you to attain goals and feel supported in your decisions for change. Our well-qualified director is a skilled therapist, personal fitness trainer and certified clinical hypnotherapist.
There are many other reasons hypnosis is so effective, and you will find your visit to be a professional learning experience that teaches you new skills to unlock new ways to live life.
What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?
A hypnotherapist will make use of the same techniques as a hypnotist to induce the hypnotic state of mind to alleviate a number of issues. It is a form of therapy that has been called clinical hypnosis by some hypnotherapy clinicians. The hypnosis brings awareness to your internal thoughts and feelings, and it is then accompanied with a therapy session so that you can integrate those aspects into your conscious mind.
Can hypnosis damage your brain?
This is just one of those silly hypnosis myths people have come up with. No, it is not damaging at all to the brain, in fact, it is quite relaxing for it. You are in control the whole time, and there is no probing involved, so your thoughts that you want to keep hidden are safe. You will not experience any discomfort, but rather a state of deep relaxation. The hypnotist or hypnotherapist will use one of the many different types of hypnosis techniques to induce the hypno-state, and none of them will inflict pain.
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis is a powerful tool to access that all knowing part of ourselves that has been called The Higher Self, The Oversoul, even the Soul itself. When we incarnate on Earth we forget our previous lives and connection to our souls, previous lives and The Source. Quantum Healing Hypnosis enables all people from any background, culture, religion or belief system to engage with the subconscious/higher self, since it resides beyond the conscious mind. The subconscious or higher self is that greater part of ourselves that is always connected to The Source, or God, and has unlimited knowledge and can reveal answers to assist in healing the physical body as well as mental and emotional ailments. Sometimes mental, emotional and physical ailments are rooted in trauma from past lives; sometimes they are connected to lessons being learned in a person’s present life. The Higher Self may reveal the cause and will assist according to any soul’s particular lessons.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Hypnosis is not sleep. Although the term hypnosis is derived from the Greek word for sleep, as a clinical experience, hypnosis is simply a state of relaxation and focused concentration. Hypnosis feels a lot like daydreaming, or simply relaxing for a few minutes in your favorite chair after a busy day at work.
What if I can’t be hypnotized?
Since hypnosis is simply a process of natural experience and learning, nearly everyone can be hypnotized; everyone has the capacity to relax, to learn and to be creative.
If for some reason you are distracted or have concerns that keep you from using these skills, simply let your hypnotherapist know and they will be happy to guide you into a process of hypnosis that is more comfortable or secure for you.
Of course, mood altering drugs can affect your mind’s ability to follow directions, relax or experience hypnosis. For this reason, you should never use any mood altering drugs prior to any hypnosis session, and you should report any medications you are currently taking to your hypnotherapist.
Is hypnosis an “altered state of consciousness?”
No. Hypnosis is a natural phenomena that occurs in everyone’s life on a daily basis, even though we might not recognize it as such.
It is similar to the first five minutes of sleep, where you know you could open your eyes and get up, but it feels so good you simply choose not to – or when you get in your car after work and drive the 30 minutes home, and then wonder if you actually stopped at all the stoplights along the way.
In life we are either highly alert, asleep, or somewhere in the middle; there is nowhere else for the brain to go. While it is true that in the process of clinical hypnosis we will alter the level of high alertness to a more relaxed pace, this is not a “6th dimension” or some magical place or out of body experience or any such strange thing. It is simply relaxation, something you are capable of experiencing at any time.
Am I under the control of another person?
No. All hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis; a hypnotist merely guides you into your own experience of relaxation.
A good analogy is that of the hypnotist sitting in the passenger seat of a car, reading map directions to the driver (the client). The driver can listen and follow the suggestions given by the passenger, or they can choose to go their own way, because the driver is always in control.
A person who is hypnotized can awaken themselves at any time, and the hypnotist cannot make someone do something that they otherwise would not want to do.
Those who fear that the hypnotist has some kind of “magical” power or “mind control” ability simply do not understand how the mind works. These concepts are myths, not realities, in clinical and medical hypnotherapy. Although the results may seem amazing or miraculous, there is truly nothing ‘mystical’ about hypnosis